ブルーポップファクトリーは、世界の恵まれない子どもたちを応援し、笑顔を広げる活動をしています。 The blue pop factory supports world underprivileged children. And the blue pop widens a smile. ブルーポップ Bluepop
湘南から笑顔を広げるBLUEPOP FACTORY BLUEPOP FACTORY which widens a smile from Shonan.
HOMEへ To home キャラクター紹介 Character introduction グッズ Goods ブルーポップ大冒険 Great adventure of Bluepop
ブルーポップ物々交換 Blue pop barter ブルーポップ石占い The stone fortune-telling of the Blue pop. リンク LINK メール MAIL
■ブルーポップ Blue-Pop
●青い石 stone of blue
  【癒しの石】 stone of healing
Blue-Pop ブルーポップ
If there is a side of pop at the time when you were tired, power appears strangely and can get well.
ブルーポップ Blue-pop 【癒しの石】 stone of healing
■グリーンブルーム Green Bloom
●緑の石 stone of yellowish green
stone of knowledge
Green Broom グリーンブルーム

It is a friend of Blue-pop! When everybody is troubled, knowledge of Broom helps all. He is existence of a leader of all.

グリーンブルーム Green Bloom【知識の石】 stone of knowledge
■チェリードロップ Cherry Drop
●ピンクの石 stone of pink
 【人気の石】 stone of popular
Cherry Drop チェリードロップ
It is a friend of Blue-pop! She is loved by a lot of people. I am playful, and it is a warmhearted, tender girl.
チェリードロップ Cherry Drop【人気の石】 stone of popular
■ラズベリーマース Raspberry Mars
●ラズベリーの石 stone of the raspberry
 【意思の石】 stone of strong intention
Raspberry Mars ラズベリーマース
It is a friend of Blue-pop! He takes it easy. However, he does his best if he decides once.
ラズベリーマース Raspberry Mars【意思の石】 stone of strong intention
■ポピーマークレッド Poppy Markred
●赤い石 stone of red
Poppy Markred ポピーマークレッド
It is a friend of Blu-pop! He puts it into an action immediately if he thinks. Because he is cheerful, a laughter does not die out all the time.
■マリンポップ Marine-Pop
●紺色の石 stone of dark blue
Marine-Pop マリンポップ
It is a dear younger brother of Blu-pop! He loves me very much. And he has a very big voice and is cheerful, and he is a crybaby very much.
■カンナじいさん Canna Grand-pa
●黄色の石 stone of yellow
Canna Grand-pa カンナじいさん
Grandfather who brought up me and a younger brother. He does work to make a ship with wood. He made my raft.
■ブラウン博士 Brown DC.
●茶色の石 stone of brown
Brown DC. ブラウン博士
The teacher who teaches science at school.
Besides a thing of a school, he teaches a lot of things.
■シスターエメラルド Sister Emerald
●エメラルドグリーンの石 stone of emerald green
Sister Emerald シスターエメラルド
A sister of the church where we go to on Sunday. She bake my favorite cookie!
■ベル保安官 Bell Police-man
●ベージュの石 stone of beige
Bell Police-man ベル保安官
A local peace officer of pop. Because a story gets longer when I go along his very front, attention is need!
ブルーポップは、世界の子どもをおうえんする募金活動をしています。 Bluepop attracts donations and continues working to support children in the world. ページのトップへもどる To the top page

Copyright © 2006 - 2008, The Bluepop Factory.